Romans Series: The Salutations in Chapter 16 (3-7-2021)


Pastor Charles continues his study of the book of Romans looking at the concluding chapter and the many salutations of Paul.  Today he looks at Priscilla and Aquila and their important role in the church and community as a married couple.

Romans Series: The Role of Women in the Home and Church (2-28-2021)


The end of the book of Romans (chapter 16) is often overlooked.  Several names are listed, as well as some directives given regarding those people. Consider Phebe, the business woman whom Paul chooses to mention first during the closing comments and salutations of this epistle. There is far more here than most have assumed. Please join us as we look at the women of this chapter, and the many important roles they play in both the home and the church.

Philippians Series: Taking on the Mind of Christ (2-21-2021)


Brother Derrick continues his study of the book of Philippians with a focus on Chapter 2.  “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus…”.  Join us as we learn more about the mind of Christ and how we should take on this same mindset.

Romans Series: Hope, Joy, and Believing (2-14-2021)


Pastor Charles continues his study of the book of Romans looking at Chapter 15.  The believing Gentiles of the churches of Asia Minor ministered to their brethren at the church in Jerusalem and set an example for us to continue to follow today.

Romans Series: Patience, Consolation, and Hope (2-7-2021)


Pastor Charles continues his study of the book of Romans looking at chapter 15 and the hope we have in Christ.

Romans Series: Unity and Liberty (1-31-2021)


Pastor Charles continues his study of the book of Romans looking at chapter 14 and discussing how members of the body of Christ can both exercise liberty and be unified.

Romans Series: Fulfilling the Law by Loving Your Neighbor (1-24-2021)


The Roman letter is rich with great explanations and logical reasons for how obeying the Lord solves a number of issues for us. The proper response to governing authorities and higher powers, at the human level, is no different.  Fulfilling the law (even when it comes to how we react to a government with which we disagree) by loving your neighbor is still the solution.

Listen as we dive back into Romans 13 and look at the answers that the Apostle Paul, who lived under a pagan Roman empire, gave the church at Rome.  Spoiler: Jesus said the same thing.

Philippians Series: Paul’s Perspective (1-17-2021)


The church at Philippi, Greece in 1st Century A.D. was adored by the Apostle Paul.  If you have ever wondered what made that church unique from the others he addressed in the New Testament (NT), then today’s observations and perspective will provide some insight.

Romans Series: The Biblical Response to God-ordained Government (1-10-2021)


Pastor Charles continues his study of the book of Romans looking at chapter 13 and the biblical response to God-ordained government.  (Note: This sermon was delivered on the Sunday following the protests and riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.  This Romans series was started 4 months prior, but with God’s perfect timing, we arrived at Chapter 13 on this particular Sunday.)

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Romans Series: Unified and Working Together (1-4-2021)


Pastor Charles continues his study of the book of Romans looking at chapter 12.  Having previously discussed how the church at Rome was comprised of both Jews and Gentiles, he addresses them together as “brethren” in the opening verse and goes on to say they are “one body” in Christ.  Our unity in Christ is what helps us rise above our differences.

The Historical and Prophesied Birth of Christ (12-27-2020)


The birth narrative of a messianic deliverer is first signified in Genesis chapter 3, and the last mention is in Revelation chapter 12. Pastor Charles looks at the circumstances surrounding not only the birth of Christ, but also the prophesies that told Israel that their deliverer would not fail, and He would even bring salvation to all nations.

Philippians Series: Introduction – The Historical Context (12-20-2020)


Elder Derrick begins a study of the book of Philippians by looking at the church’s first love and passion, Jesus Christ our Messiah, as well as the founding of the church which can be found in the book of Acts.

Note: Audio begins at 22 seconds.


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Roman Series: Our Attitude and Our Job (12-13-2020)


As the Apostle Paul closes out his arguments and explanations in Romans 11 of what has happened by God blinding a portion of the Jewish population in his day, and how the Gentiles have been shown mercy due to the Jews’s unbelief of Christ, he then unifies them in chapter 12 with the statement “brethren” (brothers). The purpose is to draw them together to become a singular body under Christ.  Almost 2000 years later, nothing has changed.  Our job and our attitude should be centered around humility and service to help anyone who needs it. How? Why? Because, according to the LORD, it is perfectly reasonable.

Romans Series: The Olive Tree – Jews and Gentiles (12-6-2020)


Pastor Charles continues his study of the book of Romans by looking at the illustration of the Olive Tree and its application for both Jews and Gentiles.

Romans Series: Properly Understanding Jews and Gentiles in Christ (11-29-2020)


There is a lot of Pro-Israel and Anti-Israel rhetoric in the world today, but what does the Bible say about this subject? Today, we examine Paul’s desire for his countrymen and family, and consider the flow of Romans 10 into 11. The answer to the church’s view of the nation of Israel, according to Yahweh Himself, will surprise you.

Romans Series: Psalm 19 and Deuteronomy 32 in Romans 10 (11-22-2020)


Have you ever noticed when the New Testament (NT) says “As it is written” or “For the script says”?  The New Testament (NT) writer is commenting on the meaning of an Old Testament (OT) passage by using it in their New Testament (NT) epistle, gospel account, or letter.  Today, Pastor Charles looks at the Old Testament references contained in chapter 10 of the book of Romans.

Prayer is Meditation with the Lord (11-15-2020)


Have you ever felt repetitive with your prayers? Or perhaps like you are just going through the motions while bowing your head? Us too. Today, we refocus and correct our perceptions of what prayers is, what it means, and why it should be a central event in our every day lives.

Romans Series: Confess, Believe, Be Not Ashamed (11-8-2020)


Romans chapter 10 is often the focus of salvation for much of Christendom. However, if we look at the context of this chapter along with the previous discussions of Paul within the Roman letter, we find that confession, belief, and not being ashamed of a crucified Savior were his focus, and these things should also be our focus now. Why? The Resurrection.

Note: Audio begins at 57 seconds.

Romans Series: Not My People, But My Beloved (11-1-2020)


One of the biggest changes to the early church was the transition from predominately Jewish believers in the Messiah, to predominately Gentile believers. And the biggest surprise to the Gentiles, is that this was part of God’s plan the whole time! Today, we look at the prophecies behind this good news, and how it unfolded in the first century church.

Note: The audio starts at approximately 1 minute 25 seconds.

Romans Series: Election and Mercy (10-25-2020)


Election is often misconstrued as a negative idea by modern thinking. According to God and the Apostle Paul, this was not the case. Rather, election was the beginning of the process of eternal fellowship and relationship with the Lord. Today, we take a look at the connection between God’s election of a people for himself (Jews and Gentiles included) and how mercy is a necessary by product of such love.

Our Relationship with God (10-18-2020)


Our relationship with family and friends can vary quite a bit, but the daily relationship we can have with our Lord is quite consistent because of His Grace. Today, Elder Derrrick looks at some of the basic ways we can have fellowship and strengthen our relationship with our Creator, Friend, and Savior.

Romans Series: All Things in Context (10-11-2020)


What is exactly is working together for our good in Romans 8:28? This is a great question. Today, we learn that God’s predestination does not mean predetermination, but that predestination does imply that a destination has been pre-determined for God’s children. And therefore, “all things” really means “all these things”, not “everything”. We hope this brings you the same great news that it has us.

Note: The wrong audio source was selected for the first 26 seconds of this video. After that, all is well.

Romans Series: Putting Sin to Death (10-4-2020)


The work of Jesus on the cross and the consequential resurrection (since Death could not stop Him) means that there is nothing keeping us from joining the Lord in Heaven for eternity. This also implies that right now, with the knowledge of the grace of God, there is nothing that should “get us down” because “we are saved (now) by hope.”

Romans Series: Sin, Frustration, and the Solution (9-27-2020)


The 7th chapter of the Roman letter, Paul frames the internal battle of good versus evil as common to a believer, but says that God’s grace is how we win that battle. Today we look at that struggle and how the origin of one is natural, but the other is distinctly supernatural.

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