Romans Series: Unified and Working Together (1-4-2021)


Pastor Charles continues his study of the book of Romans looking at chapter 12.  Having previously discussed how the church at Rome was comprised of both Jews and Gentiles, he addresses them together as “brethren” in the opening verse and goes on to say they are “one body” in Christ.  Our unity in Christ is what helps us rise above our differences.

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Sunday Worship Service

Happy New Year! We hope your holiday season was blessed! As we begin the new year, we will be continuing our study of the Apostle Paul's letter to the church at Rome. Please join us as Elder Charles Kitchens discusses the importance of Holy Spirit's inspired words through the mind and hands of Paul, as we dive into the latter part of chapter 12 and begin chapter 13.

Posted by Zion Rest Primitive Baptist Church on Sunday, January 3, 2021